Sunday, November 17, 2013

Corporate welfare and the false promises of big box development

Salon excerpted a book by Charles Montgomery, well worth reading in full. Below, I've quoted some of the most interesting parts, which basically make untenable the argument that big box stores like Walmart create more tax revenue or jobs than more traditional forms of development:
To explain, Minicozzi offered me his classic urban accounting smackdown, using two competing properties: On the one side is a downtown building his firm rescued—a six-story steel-framed 1923 classic once owned by JCPenney and converted into shops, offices, and condos. On the other side is a Walmart on the edge of town. The old Penney’s building sits on less than a quarter of an acre, while the Walmart and its parking lots occupy thirty-four acres. Adding up the property and sales tax paid on each piece of land, Minicozzi found that the Walmart contributed only $50,800 to the city in retail and property taxes for each acre it used, but the JCPenney building contributed a whopping $330,000 per acre in property tax alone. In other words, the city got more than seven times the return for every acre on downtown investments than it did when it broke new ground out on the city limits. 

Friday, November 1, 2013